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mercredi 8 juillet 2009

PerformancePoint Server 2007

Microsoft fournira une partie du code de
PerformancePoint Server 2007
Contrairement à ce que l’on pouvait penser, l’ensemble
des modules de PerformancePoint Server 2007 ne sera
pas intégré dans SharePoint Server 2010. En effet,
l’équipe de développement des solutions décisionnelles
chez Microsoft a annoncé le 18 juin sur son blog que le
code source et les fichiers projets du module
Planification de PPS 2007 seraient proposés
gratuitement sous le nom de Financial Planning
Accelerator (FPA).

Si FPA est gratuit, il est cependant nécessaire pour
l’obtenir (et redistribuer des projets dérivés) de signer
un accord de licence qui peut être obtenu en envoyant
un mail à

Plus d’informations sur le blog de l’équipe BI :

How can you get the Financial Planning Accelerator?

To obtain access to the Financial Planning Accelerator a license agreement between Microsoft and the customer or partner is required. After that agreement is in place, download instructions will be made available. Please e-mail to request the agreement.

For more background on the recent changes to PerformancePoint and how SharePoint customers can now take advantage of the PerformancePoint dashboard and scorecard capabilities today, check out this page.

Keep up to speed by following the word on Twitter

PerformancePoint integration with Sharepoint

Watch this short video to find out what the strategy changes mean for customers and to catch up on the latest news for the Microsoft Business Intelligence product suite. Michael Tejedor goes into the details of the announcement, what these changes mean for end users and for deployment going forward. As of April 1st, SharePoint customers can now access the PerformancePoint Server bits.

Go to This website will show the downloadable bits if you are a licensed user of PPS 2007 with software assurance.

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