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vendredi 24 juin 2016

UK + Europe + Ca Va Mieux

Pierre Erol GIRAUDY

dimanche 25 octobre 2009

Microsoft Operations Framework 4.0 Comparison Companion Guides

The information outlined in these guides will enable organizations to understand the characteristics and alignment of MOF and the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL), meet ISO/IEC 20000 requirements, and understand how MOF aligns with and supports the COBIT and Val/IT governance frameworks as well as the vital role MOF plays in integrating governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) capabilities into quality and reliable daily IT operations.

Launch the download of Cross Reference ITIL V3 and MOF 4.0.

Launch the download of MOF to COBIT/Val IT Comparison and Cross-Implementation Guide.

Launch the download of Using MOF for ISO/IEC 20000.

Microsoft Operations Framework 4.0

Microsoft Operations Framework suite

Microsoft Operations Framework 4.0. MOF 4.0 is designed to help IT professionals quickly access useful, relevant content. It contains practical guidance—not just theory—and its streamlined approach makes it possible to use either the entire framework or one process from a particular service management function (SMF).

Download details: Microsoft Operations Framework

Microsoft Operations Framework 4.0

MOF Action Plan: Redistributing the Workload

This new series of MOF Action Plans was created to address the many challenges faced by IT pros. These resources provide IT pros with concise, actionable solutions that address real-world IT problems. The first release in this new series addresses the challenge of redistributing the workload due to staffing cuts. It asks readers to consider and reconfigure responsibilities and work distribution, based on key principles and best practices from MOF 4.0 core content.

Microsoft Operations Framework 4.0

jeudi 9 octobre 2008

Formations à la conduite de projet...

Souvent des sociétés me demandent de former des personnes (ingénieurs ou spécialistes des serveurs...) à l'administration de MOSS 2007, mais pas à la conduite de projet, gouvernance de MOSS. Je vais préparer une formation qui va permettre de mieux cerner ce sujet.

Cette phase est "oubliée", c'est bien dommage !
Vous allez me dire pourquoi. Bonne question, souvent c'est pour des raisons de budget.

Je vais commencer des travaux de formation pour les administrateurs (je vais y parler de l'implantation d'un serveur MOSS chez EGILIA). Je viens d'y donner une formation Administrateur MOSS (la gouvernance a été abordée).
Président du Club MOSS FRANCE